This week we would like to present next two creatures from Sword & Fortune – our upcoming Unity pixel platformer. We named this video “fast creatures” as both Roller and Swamp wolf are moving really fast. Look at them on video below:
Here is detailed description:
- Roller – walks on platform and starts fast rolling if detects player. When rolling, it creates slimy track on floor. Slimy track is made of special sprite particles we had to develop. We use it for many effects in game and its biggest advantage is, that it can be animated with Unity animation controller and batched with other sprites on screen.
- Swamp Wolf – very fast creature. When it detects player, it starts chasing him. Swamp wolf can get over terrain heights and so it is even more dangerous. In idle state it slowly walks. From time to time it sits, stops or starts sniffing. When attacking, it jumps on player’s face.